School Events
Over the past number of weeks the children have been engaged in lots of interesting and exciting events designed to support their learning in a number of areas.

Ballet Workshops: We have been fortunate gain this year to have the services of Stephen Brennan of Ballet Ireland to work with all of the classes in the school in recent weeks.

Art Workshops: Mags Harnett (Local artist and former Junior School parent) did a series of workshops with children in First and Second classes in support of the visual arts curriculum. As part of her work Mags organised very successful guided tours of the National Gallery of Ireland in which the children were introduced to a variety of works in different art forms including paint, sculpture and stained glass. Her theme for the project was the senses and following the gallery trips the children had an opportunity to respond by creating collaborative pieces of art in groups back in the classroom.
Our Arts projects are funded through the annual Arts Awareness fundraiser which takes place on the day of the Easter holidays, Friday 12th April.

Engineering Week: Thank you to Fionn Griffin (father of Rían) and Tony O’Leary (Father of Finn) who did workshops in science and meteorology with the First Classes during Engineering Week. Hopefully their work will spark an enthusiasm in the children for experimentation and investigation in the years ahead.

Seachtain na Gaeilge took place on the week beginning 11th March. As well as being entertained by a traditional seisiún ceoil in the halla, bhain na páistí an-sult as Ceolchoirm Gaeilge sa halla Dé Déardaoin seo caite. Every class had an opportunity to entertain us all in song, rap, poetry and drama and get us in the mood for St. Patrick Day celebrations… all as Gaeilge of course!!!

Book Week: Thanks to everybody who supported our annual Book Week. Book Week is very important part of our school calendar in that it gives the children an opportunity to engage with books from a wide variety of genres. They particularly enjoy the “drop everything and read” sessions when they are visited by different members of the staff for a story telling session. This year just over €6000 worth of books were sold at the book fair resulting in commission of €1100 for the school. This money will be used to further stock the school library. A special word of thanks to Ms. Frawley who co-ordinated the event.
Fighting Words: Over the past number of weeks the children in Second Classes visited Cabinteely House and the Aurora Centre in Glencree, for creative writing workshops. As well as engaging with professional writers, the children also had an opportunity to have guided tours of these historic locations. The Fighting Words programme seeks to help children to discover and harness the power of their own imaginations and creative writing skills.

Bingo Night
Thank you for your support of the Parents Association Bingo event. We owe a deep debt of gratitude to the organising committee of the Parent’s Association and all the volunteers who have worked so hard to make this fundraiser a success. Monies raised will be used to fund the upgrading of interactive smartboards in classrooms.
Please note that the school will be closed on the following dates:
Easter Holidays: 15th April – 26th April inclusive.
Language curriculum in service: Friday 3rd May (By direction of the DES)
Confirmation: Thursday 23rd May
Local and European Elections: Friday 24th May
First Reconciliation
Congratulations to the children in Second Class who recently celebrated the sacrament of First Reconciliation. We now look forward to celebrating their First Holy Communion on May 11th and 18th.
School leavers
If your circumstances change over the coming months and your child/children will not be returning to St. Attracta’s Junior School please inform the school by email at as soon as possible.
School Policies:
Please familiarise yourself with the following policies on the school website which have been ratified by the Board of Management
Child Safeguarding statement
Healthy Eating Policy
Homework Policy
Garda Vetting and child protection
If you would like to volunteer in the school it is essential that you are Garda vetted specifically for St. Attracta’s Junior National School. To do this you will have to complete a Vetting Invitation form which is available in the school office and submit it with 2 forms of ID (at least 1 photographic) to Clara in the office. Your application will then be processed online by the school. Please note that vetting must be renewed every 3 years.
Health and Safety Matters-Car Parks:
For Health and Safety reasons, we are asking parents/child minders who are dropping off/collecting children, not to use the Staff car park on the Broadford Road side of the school. This car park has been designated for Staff use only by the Board of Management. Over the years there have been a number of incidents in which some ‘near misses’ involving small children walking too close to cars that are reversing in and out of spaces. If your child comes to school unaccompanied, please remind them that they must not walk through this particular car park.
It has also been brought to our attention that motorists are driving at speed across the ramps at the zebra crossing between the Meadowbrook Complex and the Senior School. Please exercise extreme caution at this point. This matter was brought to the attention of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Co Council last year, who are in the process of addressing the matter. Parents who have concerns in relation to illegal parking are asked to contact Dundrum Garda Station at 01 6665600.
We would also request that children refrain from cycling and using scooters in the school grounds, as well as climbing on perimeter walls and walking on the flower beds in the patio areas. Parents are asked to bring this information to the attention of Child Minders.
Parking and after school activities
Parents who are dropping and collecting children from after school activities are asked not to park in the school playground as it has been noticed that some motorists are driving at excessive speed in the yard. Parents are advised not to use the parking bays immediately inside the school gates.