Christmas Jumper Day On Monday 14th December we will have our a “Christmas Jumper Day, (hats also acceptable)” to raise funds for the Meadowbrook Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul and Crumlin Childrens Hospital. We are asking the children to contribute €2 to these wonderful charities.
Workshops 2nd Class Our 2nd Classes have each had a wonderful zoom workshop with Mark Ball of Super Paua Stories. The theme was “Infinity and Beyond”, which linked the vastness of space to the limitlessness of our imagination in drama, writing and drawing.
Christmas Annuals Due to Covid we are not in a position to sell and distribute Folens Christmas Annuals this year. However should you wish to purchase them they are available on the Folens website.
Pantomime We have organised a virtual trip to the Panto for the children which will take place on Thursday 17th December. This will no doubt provide plenty of laughter and excitement in all the classes.
Christmas Cards Unlike previous years we are not in a position to allow the children to exchange Christmas cards or gifts with each other this Christmas. Perhaps you might encourage your child to carry out a random act of kindness for a classmate instead!
Carol Service For obvious reasons our Christmas Carol Service will take on a different format this year. All classes will individually perform and record their song or carol in the hall with maximum ventilation and with social distancing protocols in place. This will then be edited and all the children and staff will get to enjoy the entire production from the comfort and safety of their classrooms on Friday 18th December. We will then send our production on to all the parents for you to enjoy at home.
There will also be a few other little festive treats taking place during the last few days, which I am sure you will all hear about.
Recycled Christmas Tree Decorations the closing date for receipt of entries for this year’s competition is Wednesday December 16th.
IT Update Thanks to the generosity of our parents voluntary contributions we are now in receipt of 30 brand new Samsung tablets and a recharging station, which will undoubtedly add value to teaching and learning in the school.
Time Keeping It is of most importance that children arrive to school in a timely fashion (there is flexibility up to 9.00am this year). Late arrivals however can disrupt the classroom routine and result in a child’s school day getting off to a bad start. We also kindly request that children remain in school for the entire day unless they have a medical appointment or if an emergency arises.
Christmas Holidays Our Christmas Holidays begin on Tuesday 22nd December 2020 at 12.00 noon and we will return to school on Wednesday 6th January 2021.
From all of us in the Junior School we wish you the peace and joy that Christmas brings.