Dear Parents/Guardians,

We would like to bring the following matters to your attention.

Parent Teacher Meetings

In a new departure Parent Teacher Meetings for Senior Infants, First and Second Classes will take place in the week beginning 12th November. Staff will be available on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th to hold meetings until 5.00pm. Teachers will inform you in the coming days when the grids are available for you to book your child’s meeting. Some meetings will also be facilitated both before and after school during this particular week.
Meetings for parents of Junior Infants will take place in February 2019.

School closure

The school will be closed on Friday October 26th to facilitate the Presidential Election.

Open Day
The annual school Open Day for incoming families will take place on Saturday 10th November between 11am and 1pm.


Christmas Concert

Christmas Concerts will take place on the nights of the 4th and 5th December. You will be informed of the specific dates for your class at a later stage.


Book Week
Book Week will take place this year in the week beginning Monday 11th February 2019.


School Lunches
We are very grateful for your co-operation with our Healthy Eating Policy. We would remind you once again to avoid putting nuts or products derived from nuts in your child’s lunch box, and we would ask you if your child has grapes in their lunch to cut them in half. Please do not include Frubes in your child’s lunch box…many children have difficulty opening them resulting in uniforms being ‘decorated’ with yogurt!!!

We are pleased that Dónal Gormley will coach GAA skills in the school again this year. His outline plan starts with foundation GAA skills in Second Class followed by First Class. After Christmas Dónal will work on developing hurling skills with these classes for five week blocks and then onto Senior Infants and Junior Infants (the best wine till last!!) for GAA skills. Tús Maith!


A considerable amount of time and money has been spent re-organising the CAPER boxes to ensure the books match more closely the independent reading level of the pupils in every class. Our CAPER programme is designed to boost your child’s reading ability and it is now a mandatory part of homework for the duration of the programme in your child’s class. We urge you to take this opportunity to encourage your child to read their CAPER book every night… To quote Mrs. Sands “Participating in CAPER is like giving your child a multi vitamin supplement every day to boost their overall literacy skills” All of us in St. Attracta’s owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mrs. Sands for all her hard work in overhauling the CAPER programme for the whole school over the past number of months.

Following a major overhaul of the library it is now computerised and ready for use. We hope that the children will get many hours of enjoyment in this wonderful facility and we thank Ms. Frawley as Library Co-ordinator for all her work.
Thank you to our SNA staff for helping Mrs Sands and Ms. Frawley with the reorganisation of both CAPER and the library over the past number of months.

Central Heating
Due to a fault in the central heating system (which is common to both schools) it may be a number of weeks before the heating can be turned on. We are therefore suggesting that the children bring an extra layer which can be left on the back of the children’s chairs in school which they can put on in the event of temperatures dropping. The schools have applied to the Department of Education and Science for emergency funding to rectify this problem which only came to light last week. It is anticipated that work will begin in approximately three weeks time.

Bringing your dog to school!

We would like to remind parents and guardians that dogs cannot be brought on to the school grounds at delivery and collection times.

Thank you as always for your continued co-operation, and please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or myself should you have any concerns in the year ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Tommy Neary



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