Christmas Carol Service: Our Christmas Carol Service takes place on Friday 21st December at 11.00am. All are welcome. If you are attending you are asked to take your seats at 10.45am. Parents/guardians and visitors are reminded to be mindful of the protocols surrounding taking photographs at events like this as per email on 30th November.
St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal: Just to remind you that tomorrow, Friday 14th December we will have our annual no uniform day to raise funds for the Meadowbrook Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul and that we are accepting food items for VdP hampers until Tuesday 18th December.
Christmas Holidays: Our Christmas Holidays begin on 21st December at 12.00pm and we will return to school on Monday 7th January.
Congratulations to Evan Whelan who is the overall winner of the recycled Christmas decoration competition this year. Evan received his award at a reception in Dunlaoghaire Rathdown County Council last week. St. Attracta’s Junior School has participated in this project for many years now and we are so proud that Evan’s creativity has finally put us on the recycling map!
Christmas Concert: Many thanks to everyone who supported our school concerts which took place on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th December. Particular thanks to the staff and children for entertaining us with such a wide variety of wonderful productions, to everyone who donated spot prizes, the Parent’s Association and parent volunteers for all their help on the night, to Shay Byrne who helped ensure that our sound system worked on the night and to Pat Walsh who shared his expertise with our lighting system. Finally a special word of thanks to Miss O’Neill whose coordination of the event was pivotal to its success.
Collecting Children from School: It is the responsibility of parents to inform class teachers of any changes in relation to who collects children from school.
If teachers are not informed of changes to collecting arrangement they will not release children from their care, and will instead contact parents for clarification. If you have any reason to collect your child early, please inform the teacher to expect you at an approximate time. Please collect from the front foyer as opposed to the outside classroom doors. Children cannot be collected at break times…instead we are asking you to collect at least 10 minutes before the 10.30 break and the 12.30 break. Children cannot be collected from the yard.
Car Parking: We would like to remind you again not to drop off or collect children in the Broadford Road car park or on the double yellow lines outside the schools. Parents are asked to bring these messages to the attention of child minders.
Enrolments for 2019/2020: The closing date for receipt of completed applications for Junior Infants for the 2019/2020 school year is Friday 18th January 2019 at 3.00pm. Please consult the school website for details of the application process and to familiarise yourself with the Enrolment policy which has been updated subsequent to the enactment of the Education (Admissions to Schools) Act 2018
Digital Technology: We are pleased to announce a major upgrade of our digital resources with the replacement of seven interactive whiteboards with new smart board technology. The new boards will be installed in the Junior Infant and Second Classes in the coming days and will be a welcome new addition to the classrooms when we return from our Christmas holidays. This upgrade was funded by a combination of DES grants, proceeds of the Summer Fair in June and Voluntary Contributions. Plans are in place for the replacement of the boards in the Senior Infant and First Classes in the near future. A special word of thanks to Ms. Kennedy who has coordinated this project.
From all of us in the Junior School we wish you the peace and joy that Christmas brings.