Christmas Carol Service: Our Christmas Carol Service takes place on Friday 20th December at 11.00am. All are welcome. If you are attending you are asked to take your seats at 10.45am. Parents/guardians and visitors are reminded to be mindful of the protocols surrounding taking photographs at events like this.
St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal: This Friday 13th December we will have our annual “no uniform day” to raise funds for the Meadowbrook Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul. I am aware that the First Holy Communion committee have organised a separate collection for the St Vincent de Paul, therefore 2nd class children are welcome to participate in the no uniform day but are not expected to contribute further. We are also accepting food items for VdP hampers from tomorrow until Monday 16th December.
Christmas Holidays: Our Christmas Holidays begin on 20th December at 12.00pm and we will return to school on Monday 6th January 2020.
Christmas Recycling Decoration Competition: Congratulations to Noah Narty of Ms Frawley’s class who won our overall school competition with his entry Snowy the Snowman. He will now go forward to represent St Attracta’s at the DLR finals to be held later this week.
Car Parking: We would like to remind you again not to drop off or collect children in the Broadford Road car park. There should be no cars parked on the double yellow lines, or at the bus stop outside the school. This is causing serious safety issues for our children and lollipop person as well as problems for Dublin Bus. Unfortunately we are also aware of people dropping off children in close proximity to the official crossing and allowing them to run straight across the road – something that is causing distress to those witnessing this practise. Please encourage children to cross with the lollipop person. Parents are asked to bring these messages to the attention of child minders.
Enrolments for 2020/2021: The closing date for receipt of completed applications for Junior Infants for the 2020/2021 school year is Friday 10th January 2020 at 3.00pm. Please consult the school website for details of the application process and to familiarise yourself with the Enrolment policy which has been updated subsequent to the enactment of the Education (Admissions to Schools) Act 2018
School Closure: The Junior School along with the Senior School will close to pupils on Wednesday 22nd January 2020. This is to facilitate a staff In-Service Day on the New Language Curriculum as directed by the Department of Education and Skills.
From all of us in the Junior School we wish you the peace and joy that Christmas brings.